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Mathematics and computer science Nalini Anantharaman Spectral geometry Nicholas Ayache Computer science and digital science 2013-2014 Gérard Berry Algorithms, machines and languages Jean-Daniel Boissonnat Computer science and digital science 2016-2017 Marie-Paule Cani Computer and digital sciences 2014-2015 Bernard Chazelle Computer and digital sciences 2012-2013 Walter Fontana Computer and digital sciences 2019-2020 Timothy Gowers Combinatorics Rachid Guerraoui Computer and digital sciences 2018-2019 Yann LeCun Computer science and digital sciences 2015-2016 Xavier Leroy Software science Wendy Mackay Computing and digital sciences 2021-2022 Frédéric Magniez Computing and digital sciences 2020-2021 Stéphane Mallat Data science Claire Mathieu Computer and digital sciences 2017-2018 Bảo Châu Ngô Automorphic forms Benoît Sagot Computing and digital sciences 2023-2024 Physics and chemistry Lydéric Bocquet Technological innovation Liliane Bettencourt 2022-2023 Jean-Philippe Bouchaud Liliane Bettencourt technological innovation 2019-2020 Yves Brechet Technological innovation Liliane Bettencourt 2012-2013 Jean Dalibard Atoms and radiation Bernard Derrida Statistical physics Michel Devoret Mesoscopic physics Louis Fensterbank Activations in molecular chemistry Marc Fontecave Chemistry of biological processes Antoine Georges Condensed matter physics Serge Haroche Quantum physics Marc Henneaux Fields, strings and gravity Jean-François Joanny Soft matter and biophysics Sébastien Lecommandoux Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt 2024-2025 Daniel Lincot Technological innovation Liliane Bettencourt 2021-2022 Bernard Meunier Technological innovation Liliane Bettencourt 2014-2015 Didier Roux Liliane Bettencourt Technological Innovation 2016-2017 Clément Sanchez Hybrid materials chemistry Jean-Marie Tarascon Solid state and energy chemistry Philippe Walter Technological innovation Liliane Bettencourt 2013-2014 Sciences of the Universe Edouard Bard Climate and ocean evolution Edouard Bard Climate and ocean evolution Françoise Combes Galaxies and cosmology Antoine Labeyrie Observational astrophysics Alessandro Morbidelli Planetary formation : from Earth to exoplanets Barbara Romanowicz Physics of the Earth's interior Life Sciences Alain Berthoz Physiology of perception and action Chris Bowler Biodiversity and ecosystems 2020-2021 Michel Brunet Human paleontology Jean-Paul Clozel Technological innovation Liliane Bettencourt 2006-2007 Pierre Corvol Experimental medicine Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo Biodiversity and ecosystems 2022-2023 Stanislas Dehaene Experimental cognitive psychology Denis Duboule Development and genome evolution Didier Fassin Public Health 2019-2020 Alain Fischer Experimental medicine Arnaud Fontanet Public Health 2018-2019 Sonia Garel Neurobiology and immunity Tatiana Giraud Biodiversity and ecosystems Edith Heard Epigenetics and cellular memory Jean-Jacques Hublin Paleoanthropology Philippe Kourilsky Molecular immunology Stéphanie Lacour Technological innovation Liliane Bettencourt 2023-2024 Thomas Lecuit Life dynamics Pierre Magistretti International Chair 2007-2008 Jean-Louis Mandel Human genetics Guy Orban European Chair 2006-2007 Christine Petit Genetics and cell physiology Emmanuelle Porcher Biodiversity and ecosystems 2023-2024 Alain Prochiantz Morphogenetic processes Molly Przeworski Technological innovation Liliane Bettencourt 2018-2019 Lluis Quintana-Murci Human genomics and evolution José-Alain Sahel Technological innovation Liliane Bettencourt 2015-2016 Philippe Sansonetti Microbiology and infectious diseases Rémy Slama Public Health 2021-2022 Hugues de Thé Cellular and molecular oncology Mathilde Touvier Public Health 2022-2023 History and archaeology Yadh Ben Achour French-Speaking Worlds 2019-2022 Patrick Boucheron History of power in Western Europe, 13th-16thcenturies Pierre Briant History and civilization of the Achaemenid world and Alexander's empire Jean-Pierre Brun Techniques and economies of the ancient Mediterranean Phượng Bùi Trân French-Speaking Worlds 2022-2023 Dominique Charpin Mesopotamian civilization Anne Cheng Intellectual history of China Jean-Louis Cohen Architecture and urban form Laurent Coulon Civilization of Pharaonic Egypt François Déroche History of the Koran. Text and transmission Jean-Marie Durand Assyriology Edhem Eldem Turkish and Ottoman history François-Xavier Fauvelle History and archaeology of African worlds Jean-Luc Fournet Late Antique written culture and Byzantine papyrology Gérard Fussman History of the Indian world Frantz Grenet History and cultures of pre-Islamic Central Asia Kyle Harper Avenir Commun Durable 2023-2024 Denis Knoepfler Epigraphy and history of Greek cities Henry Laurens Contemporary history of the Arab world Antoine Lilti History of the Enlightenment, eighteenth to twenty-firstcenturies Dario Mantovani Law, culture and society in ancient Rome Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge Religion, history and society in the ancient Greek world Roland Recht History of medieval and modern European art Thomas Römer Biblical environments Pierre Rosanvallon Modern and contemporary history of politics Bénédicte Savoy Cultural history of art heritage in Europe, 18th-20th century John Scheid Religion, institutions and society in ancient Rome Sanjay Subrahmanyam A global history of early modernity Gilles Veinstein Turkish and Ottoman history Pierre-Étienne Will History of modern China Literature, arts, language, philosophy Mieke Bal Inventing Europe through languages and cultures 2022-2023 Karol Beffa Artistic creation 2012-2013 Jacques Bouveresse Philosophy of language and knowledge Roger Chartier Writing and cultures in modern Europe Gilles Clément Artistic creation 2011-2012 Antoine Compagnon Modern and contemporary French literature: history, criticism, theory Tony Cragg Artistic creation 2013-2014 Alain de Libera History of medieval philosophy Michael Edwards Study of creative writing in English Anne Fagot-Largeault Philosophy of biological and medical sciences Michel Foucault History of systems of thought Amos Gitai Artistic creation 2018-2019 Jean Kellens Indo-Iranian languages and religions Yanick Lahens French-Speaking Worlds 2018-2019 Alain Mabanckou Artistic creation 2015-2016 Philippe Manoury Artistic creation 2016-2017 Alberto Manguel Inventing Europe through languages and cultures 2021-2022 William Marx Comparative literature Salikoko S. Mufwene French-speaking worlds 2023-2024 Carlo Ossola Modern literature of Neolatin Europe Thomas Pavel International Chair 2005-2006 Benoît Peeters Artistic creation 2022-2023 François Recanati Philosophy of language and mind Luigi Rizzi General Linguistics Jean-Noël Robert Philology of Japanese civilization Peter Sloterdijk Inventing Europe through languages and cultures 2023-2024 Claudine Tiercelin Metaphysics and the philosophy of knowledge Michel Zink Literatures of medieval France Social sciences Philippe Aghion Economics of institutions, innovation and growth Samantha Besson International institutional law Gilles Boeuf Sustainable development - Environment, energy and society 2013-2014 Laurence Boisson de Chazournes Avenir Commun Durable 2022-2023 François Bourguignon Knowledge against poverty 2013-2014 Georges Calas Sustainable development - Environment, energy and society 2014-2015 Manuela Carneiro Da Cunha Knowledge against poverty 2011-2012 Philippe Descola Anthropology of nature Mireille Delmas-Marty Comparative legal studies and the internationalization of law Esther Duflo Poverty and public policy Esther Duflo Knowledge against poverty 2008-2009 Jon Elster Rationality and social sciences Christian Gollier Avenir Commun Durable 2021-2022 Roger Guesnerie Economic theory and social organization François Héran Migration and society Pierre-Michel Menger Sociology of creative work Lucrezia Reichlin European Chair 2018-2019 Ismail Serageldin Knowledge against poverty 2008-2009 Thomas Sterner Sustainable development - Environment, energy and society 2015-2016 Alain Supiot The social state and globalization : a legal analysis of solidarity Alain Wijffels European Chair 2016-2017 Back to the Digital dissemination of knowledge page