Salle 2, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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The storage of sunlight into chemical bonds is an appealing strategy to practically exploit solar energy. The reaction centers of natural photosynthesis have inspired numerous efforts to mimic their working principles with the aim to develop our fundamental understanding as well as to explore possibilities for future renewable fuels technologies. To efficiently accomplish useful chemical transformations with sunlight, such as water splitting, the photocatalyst must fulfill two crucial functions. The first one if the production of a high energy charge separated state with sunlight and the second is to accumulate multiple redox equivalents to perform multi-electronic redox reactions. The production of such a state with a single photon of the visible spectrum represents a difficult endeavor. In this talk, it will be presented the development of molecular and hybrid systems, composed of dye and semiconductor such as TiO2, which feature charge photoaccumulation [1] and Z-scheme [2] functions. Our proof-of-principle results demonstrate the capability to translate crucial biological functions of the photosynthetic reaction center with manmade molecular systems, representing important steps towards artificial photosynthesis.


[1] (a) Karlsson, S.; Boixel, J.; Pellegrin, Y.; Blart, E.; Becker, H.-C.; Odobel, F.; Hammarström, L., Faraday Discussions 2012, 155, 233-252; (b) Karlsson, S.; Boixel, J.; Pellegrin, Y.; Blart, E.; Becker, H.-C.; Odobel, F.; Hammarström, L., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 17977-17979.

[2] (a) Favereau, L.; Makhal, A.; Provost, D.; Pellegrin, Y.; Blart, E.; Goransson, E.; Hammarström, L.; Odobel, F., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2017, 19, 4778-4786; (b) Favereau, L.; Makhal, A.; Pellegrin, Y.; Blart, E.; Petersson, J.; Göransson, E.; Hammarström, L.; Odobel, F., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 3752-3760.

Fabrice Odobel

Fabrice Odobel was born in 1966 (Jura) and graduated in 1990 from the École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille (E.N.S.C.L.) as a chemical engineer. In 1994, he completed his doctorate in the organo-mineral chemistry laboratory under the supervision of Jean-Pierre Sauvage at the University of Strasbourg. In 1994-1995, he did a post-doctoral internship with Ronald Breslow at Columbia University (New York, USA). Fabrice Odobel joined the CNRS in 1995 as a research fellow. He is currently Research Director at the CEISAM laboratory (Chemistry and Interdisciplinarity, Synthesis, Analysis, Modeling, UMR CNRS 6230) at the University of Nantes. He leads a team of four permanent staff: Dr Errol Blart (Maitre de conférences), two CNRS research fellows (Dr Yann Pellegrin and Dr Stéphane Diring) and around four PhD students and one post-doc. The central theme of the projects developed concerns the elaboration and study of molecules with photophysical and photoredox properties, mainly targeted at solar energy conversion. The research activity is centered around four themes:

  1. Dye photovoltaic cells.
  2. Artificial photosynthesis.
  3. Photodynamic therapy.
  4. Metal Organic Framework (MOF) materials.

His scientific output includes some 170 publications and 5 patents, giving him around 5,750 citations (excluding self-citations) and an "h index" factor of 47 (source: ISIS WEB of Knowledge). In 2003, he was awarded the CNRS bronze medal.


Fabrice Odobel

Research Director, CEISAM Laboratory, University of Nantes