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Image : Frank Baniwa, 2024.

The international colloquium Living sciences: Indigenous Perspectives in the World of Research and the Arts opens up a reflection on the epistemological stakes of indigenous presences in science, society and the arts. Through the diversity of perspectives, backgrounds and productions of each guest, we explore the ways in which the indigenous peoples of South America, from the Brazilian and Guiana coasts to Ecuador, from Here and Elsewhere, preserve their plural heritages in dialogue with contemporary science, questioning and reconstructing the fundamentals of our disciplines, shaping their own future.

The rise of indigenous protest movements around the world in the 1970s and 1980s has left a decisive mark on current history. Hitherto marginalized, oppressed and dispossessed of their ancestral territories for centuries, they placed on the political agenda the struggle for recognition of their status, the right to be different, the right to land and self-determination. In the 21st century, while systemic colonization persists, these dynamics of resistance are being renewed in the face of complex contemporary challenges such as the advance of neoliberalism, the impacts of globalization, the climate crisis and the multifactorial tensions arising from it.

Today, indigenous peoples take part, in proportion to their specificities, in the civil society of their countries and occupy positions they never had before. The sciences and the arts are proving to be decisive tools for telling their stories, sharing their knowledge and sustaining their existence. Through lectures, round tables, film screenings and artistic performances, this symposium will explore the frontiers of knowledge and creativity, highlighting indigenous knowledge, methodologies and perspectives. In this way, we will address the multifaceted nature of thinking, to perceive a science in motion, from the " Sciences Vivantes ". The contributors will examine the relevance of this concept, emphasizing comparison and the opening up of a scientific and artistic dialogue.

Organizers: Andrea-Luz Gutierrez-Choquevilca, Idjahure Kadiwel, Yuwey Henri, Keywa Henri, Juliana Tupinambá, Larissa Longano de Barcellos.

Support: Team "Anthropologie linguistique" of the LAS (Laboratoire d'anthropologie sociale), Collège de France, French Embassy in Brazil, French Commission for Unesco.

Contact: Andrea-Luz Gutierrez-Choquevilca