The Groupe de recherches transversales en paléographie (GRTP), which aims to develop a transdisciplinary approach to palaeography, is joining forces with Biblissima+ to invite you to another day of study and discussion around the question : how to describe writing ?
The development of methodological and lexical standards is a long-standing paleographic challenge, more urgent than ever at a time when manuscripts are being translated into digital data.
In order to make this data open, interoperable and reusable, a common descriptive framework, or even an ontology, is still lacking. A cross-disciplinary approach to paleography, a fortiori, requires a common model, or at least compatible models : while specialists of the same alphabet, due to divergent approaches and traditions, often struggle to agree on an analytical vocabulary, how can we bring several writing systems within the same frame of reference in order to better identify common phenomena ?
The event on December 14 , supported by Biblissima+, will bring together paleographers and researchers in digital humanities, specializing in modeling and ontologies.

Detailed program
- 9 h 30 : Peter Stokes (EPHE), " Vers un modèle numérique pour une paléographie transversale "
Judith Olszowy-Schlanger (EPHE/Oxford) & Joseph O'Hara (Oxford), " HebrewPal : a digital tool for the study of Hebrew script " - 10 h 50 : Coffee break
- 11 h 10 : Isabelle Marthot-Santaniello (University of Basel), " Computational analysis of Greek scripts on papyrus : how to compare what is comparable ? "
Serge Rosmorduc (Cnam), " Egyptian hieroglyphs : when the identity of the sign eludes " - 12 h 30 : Lunch
- 13 h 30 : Arianna Ciula (King's College London), " Setting the scene towards modelling the materiality of texts : concepts and efforts "
Paolo Monella (Sapienza-Università di Roma) : " POGO : Philology-Oriented Graphematics Ontology "
Thomas Huot-Marchand (Anrt/Ansad de Nancy), " Creating fonts for digital humanities : projects of the Atelier national de recherche typographique " - 15 h 30 : Coffee break
- 15 h 50 : Chahan Vidal-Gorène (ENChartes), " Computational approach to Armenian paleography : generating true false intermediate writings "
Olivier Venture (Ephe) & Colin Brisson (Ephe), " Diachronic graphic variants in Chinese script : contributions and challenges of digital tools " - 17 h 10 : General discussion and closing session