This cycle will be inaugurated on June 20 at 19 h 30 at the Marguerite Duras media library (115 rue de Bagnolet, 75020 Paris), with a lecture by historian Patrick Boucheron, professor at the Collège de France, entitled Au travail de l'histoire : engagements citoyens et actualités du passé. The conference will be moderated by Aurélie Filippetti, Director of Cultural Affairs for the City of Paris.
The lectures, aimed at the general public, will reflect the wide range of disciplines present at the Collège de France : history, economics, sociology, literature, biology, chemistry, mathematics and evolutionary science will all be involved.
With this new event, the libraries of the City of Paris are fulfilling their mission to disseminate knowledge and combat misinformation by offering the public opportunities to decode and explore certain areas of knowledge in greater depth. The aim is also to open a window onto the world of research and how it works, and to bring Parisians closer to an exceptional institution, the Collège de France, which has been at the heart of the city's intellectual and scientific life for five centuries.
This cycle will continue in autumn 2023, with public events on Saturdays at 11 h, every two months, at the Marguerite Duras media library. Confirmed events include :
- a lecture by Philippe Aghion, Professor at the Collège de France and holder of the chairEconomics of Institutions, Innovation and Growth, on Saturday October 7 2023 at 11 h, on the theme " Rethinking capitalism ".
- a lecture by Marc Fontecave, Professor at the Collège de France and holder of the Chemistry of Biological Processes chair, on Saturday November 25 2023 at 11 h.