Alexandra Gottely, Dario Mantovani and Xavier Prévost (dir.)
Jacques Cujas, the making of a " grand juriste
The reception of Jacques Cujas, an eminent representative of legal humanism, in the history of legal thought and in our cultural heritage.
The study of law is a practical knowledge where personal authority carries a lot of weight : law tends to build exemplary figures whose opinions " font jurisprudence ". The authority of certain " grands " jurists even spans the centuries.
Jacques Cujas (1522-1590) falls into this category. A discoverer of sources of Roman law thought to have been lost, an astute reader capable of giving new depth to the interpretation of Justinian's Corpus iuris civilis, a charismatic teacher capable of inspiring vocations : while his merits are well known, little thought has been given to the reasons and paths that made him a " great jurist ". It is to this question that the studies in this volume respond, examining Cujas's posterity in France and Europe, through legal works, but also public statuary and literature, where Cujas becomes the (sometimes grotesque) embodiment of legal science. This book, the result of a symposium organized at the Collège de France to mark the fifth centenary of Cujas's birth, shows how the science of law sometimes goes beyond its own sphere and becomes a common heritage.
Gottely A., Mantovani D. and Prévost X. (dir.), Jacques Cujas, la fabrique d'un " grand juriste ", Collège de France, coll. " Hors collection ", 2024, 248 p.
ISBN : 978-2-7226-0657-9
Price 39 €
Publication : 17 october 2024
Published with the support of the Cujas inter-university library (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), the Institut universitaire de France and the Institut de recherche Montesquieu (University of Bordeaux).