Didier Fassin
Invisible lives, unspeakable deaths
This collective work provides keys to understanding the political and social stakes involved in the question of how lives are treated in debates on work, exile and prison.
" How are lives treated ? What do we do with the dead ? Or rather, what does it say about a society when it considers certain lives, the lives of workers, the lives of exiles, the lives of prisoners, lives made vulnerable, unequal ? And what does the way some of these workers, exiles or prisoners die, the way they are left to die or exposed to death, the way we turn a blind eye to their condition or mobilize to protect them reveal about its values? Ultimately, how are the moral economies of life and death defined in the contemporary world ? These are the questions posed in this book in relation to three objects to which they are particularly relevant : work, exile and prison. This choice is not neutral. It aims to shed light on places where, often, the precariousness of lives is rendered invisible and the pain of the dead unspeakable. "
The result of a symposium held at the Collège de France in June 2021, this volume brings together anthropologists, historians and sociologists whose work, both empirical and theoretical, forcefully and clearly questions the fundamental issues facing our society.
Fassin D. (dir.), Vies invisibles, morts indicibles, Paris, Collège de France, coll. " Conférences ", 2022, 144 p.
ISBN : 978-2-7226-0589-3
Price : 22 €
Publication : 22 september 2022