In partnership with the French Ministry of Culture

TheInvention of Europe through languages and cultures Annual Chair , created in partnership with the French Ministry of Culture (Délégation générale à la langue française et aux langues de France), focuses on the contemporary challenges of intellectual and artistic creation within a group whose evolution and identity have been, throughout its history, profoundly marked by the plurality of forms of expression and the diversity of its heritage. Europe isstill inventing itself , but all too often without the knowledge of its institutions or its own citizens. At a time when France holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union until 2022, and when European issues are rightly the focus of public debate on all sides, a detour through the way in whichtoday's creators and thinkers live and deepen the European experience, taking into account in their work this plural history and this linguistic, artistic and cultural diversity, a detour through what they think and express about Europe, is a necessary condition for its better appropriation.