Calls to " refound " Europe are multiplying, as is the desire for a " renaissance " of Europe. Before reinventing Europe, we need to understand when, where, how and by whom it was invented
Whether understood as a continent, a region, a civilization, an idea, a set of values and rights, a religion, a plurality of languages, a myth, a legal order or culture, a structure made up of institutions and a political regime, a range of international organizations, a set of sciences and techniques, and much more besides, Europe is a subject of research in many fields. This book bears witness to this, and takes on a particular resonance at a time when our continent is caught up in war.
Besson S. (dir.), Inventer l'Europe, Paris, Collège de France/Odile Jacob, coll. " Colloques de rentrée ", 2022. 352 p.
ISBN : 978-2-4150-0325-8
Price : 28,90 €
Publication : 12 October 2022