Born in 2022 out of the desire of Collège de France professors to take action in the face of the crisis facing the French education system, the Agir pour l'éducationinitiative - Un enjeu scientifique pour la société aims to place scientific research at the service of schools, and to help bring to life the Republican promise of education for all. Their ambition: to cross-fertilize knowledge and advance research to better understand the difficulties faced by students, design scientifically-proven teaching tools, raise awareness of science and train enlightened citizens.
Gaps in mathematics and reading, social inequalities in academic success, deficiencies in social and behavioral skills... Over the past thirty years, France has seen an unprecedented decline in the level of its students, to the point of reaching an unprecedented crisis. Yet, in a technological century, better learning - and lifelong learning - must be more essential than ever, to inspire and enthuse our young people and give them the keys to understanding and acting in the world.
With Agir pour l'éducation, the aim is to understand, advise and act, in all areas of expertise of Collège de France professors. The initiative is organized into two sections : on the one hand,an ambitious cycle of conferences on learning and its methods, open to the public, and on the other, research projects and educational actions led by Collège de France professors :
- prof. Philippe Aghion, Chair of Institutional Economics of Innovation and Growth, and his initiative with " Le Campus de l'innovation pour les lycées " ;
- prof. Stanislas Dehaene, Chair of Experimental Cognitive Psychology, and his initiative " Excello ", whose laboratory develops cognitive science-based teaching tools for reading and mathematics ;
- prof. Jean-Luc Fournet, Chair of Written Culture of Late Antiquity and Byzantine Papyrology, and Prof. William Marx, Chair of Comparative Literature, who wish to promote the practice of rhetoric and drama to help students defend a point of view and develop a better understanding of themselves and others ;
- prof. Stéphane Mallat, Data ScienceChair , who is developing the " MathAData " initiative for teaching mathematics in high schools, including computer experiments on data challenges , and is taking part in the " MathC2+ " program ;
- pr Pierre-Michel Menger, Chair of Sociology of Creative Work, whose " Diagnostiquer pour agir " programanalyzes the school and university trajectories of French students in the mathematical sciences.
- prof. Esther Duflo, Chair ofPoverty and Public Policy, a specialist in field experiments in the field of education.